Toyota Liteace Truck 1994

On our site, customers can choose the used Toyota Liteace Truck 1994 they want to buy. has thousands of cars to choose from, and each one has a different engine, interior, transmission, and built-in features to meet your needs. We also have in stock a number of high-quality models that fit your budget and can be shipped all over the world. Drivers from all over the world want to buy a Toyota Liteace Truck 1994 from Tanzania. Customers want this model because its parts are so strong. Toyota Liteace Truck 1994 is also in good shape because it is well taken care of. Even though it's a used car, it's in better shape than most new cars. Because the Japanese love precision and excellence, they take very good care of their cars. In addition to being reliable, this model is not only made with high-quality technology but also has a nice look that won't go out of style. Also, because there is a high demand for trading cars, Japan's cars can be bought from auctions all over the country. With our well-organized car lists, you can also sort and find your ideal car. If you need any help or advice during the transaction, our enthusiastic consultants will be happy to help you and answer all your questions.


  • Stock No                       Y-1029
  • Location                       Mwaikibaki Rd
  • ViN                                CM51
  • Body                             Type  Freezer
  • Make                            Toyota
  • Model                           Liteace Truck
  • Mileage                        87689
  • Fuel type                     Diesel
  • Engine capacity         2000CC
  • Year                              1994
  • Transmission             Manual
  • Drive                            2WD
  • Ext color                      White
  • Seats                              3
  • Door                              2
  • Drive side                    Right

Additional Features:

Power Steering, AC, Radio, Key Start, Jack, Spanner, Handle, Spare Tire.